Xue Cathy Zheng, M.Sc.
Cathy is a technician in the Aceto lab. She has 10+ years of working experience as lab technician / research assistant in the field of molecular biology at both ETH and UZH.
Before joining the group, she worked as a lab technician in Prof. Hafen’s group at ETH Zurich, working on a feasibility study aiming at the development of RNA-based reagents to fight the Varroa mites that threaten the honeybee population. Before that, she was a research and teaching assistant at Prof. Hengartner group, coordinating and assisting with projects in diverse scientific fields of molecular biology, systems biology and C. elegans genetics at University of Zurich. Besides that, she also worked at the group of Prof. Owen Petchey as a lab technician, for a SNF project in predictive ecology, in charge of data acquisition and sample handling with different measurement methods at UZH.